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Safe With Gas Tube 3kg

Restless with the bad news 3 kg gas cylinder quality you? Let's watch carefully the following steps, so that fatal accidents can be avoided.
Make sure the tubes are in place that is not adjacent to the source of fire.
Make sure the hose is not crushed under something.
Make sure the hose does not leak condition.
When replacing the tube, make sure the regulator is closed and the stove is off.
Make sure the gas cylinder head has a seal (the black circular rubber). When the new tube is not found, take the tube before (taken out using a toothpick).
When you hear a hiss, close the regulator, disconnect, plug it again by pressing the strong regulator to the tube. Repeat until there is absolutely no hiss is heard.
When gas leak, do not panic! Make sure the stove is off, cover the regulator, release, and bring gas cylinders to the outdoors (open air) until the gas runs out by itself.
Nah. Hopefully the above tips can be useful. Increase vigilance so as not to harm themselves and others.

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