Especially in large cities, the use of bottled drinking water has become their daily needs. Even in some urban areas, water quality, soil is not allowed to be used as drinking water. While piped water is often complained of smelling chlorine so most people avoid using piped water as their drinking water and switch to bottled drinking water.
What should be considered in choosing bottled drinking water to be used as daily consumption?
Good drinking water must meet the quality standards established by the MoH, WHO or KLH. From the physical drinking water should not smell, taste, color or turbid. Drinking water also must not contain dangerous elements such as heavy metals (Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn, Ag, etc.), hydro carbon compounds and detergents. Other chemical elements were not allowed to exceed the predetermined threshold. Water also can not contain microbes especially coliform bacteria that can cause diarrhea. To find out if water will be consumed to meet these requirements it must go through laboratory tests.
Bottled drinking water in general has followed the standards set. Just to be safe to choose a manufacturer of bottled drinking water that has been trusted. But even if you have chosen bottled drinking water from the well-known brand, it does not always guarantee you will get the best water quality. Factors that could damage the quality of water usually occur during storage in the area of sales. We recommend that you avoid buying bottled drinking water that is placed directly under sunlight or stored near items that smelled strong. When choosing a gallon containers, make sure you check the seal and the quality gallon.
Recently bottled drinking water supply is counterfeit. The packaging they use packaging from well-known brand, but the water is included in the package did not come from the manufacturers directly. There is no other way to avoid it but you get used to subscribe from one source, so if you get caught with bottled water quality is questionable, you can complain to the seller and the manufacturer directly.
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